Thursday, 24 February 2011

Contents Page Analysis 2

 The main image is centred in the middle of the page to act as a focal point. The main image also links to the main article which draws most of the customers in. In order to sell more copies of the magazine, it has made the image large and more noticeable from the rest of the page. The contents page is very busy with large variety of colours and a lot seems to be packed in to this page. This is done to make the audience think that you get a lot more for your money as the busyness suggests that there is so much to read, it could last you a long time.

This magazine is aimed at a slightly younger audience. The age bracket would be around 18-25. We can see this because if it was aimed at a younger audience, there would be less going on in this page and it would be less complicated. However the large array of colours hints that it is for a younger audience.
In addition,  the images are composed in a similar way to how a collage would be crafted, generating the idea that the magazine is quite spontaneous and haphazard as opposed to displaying a fixated structure.

The difference of colours in each box suggests a different personality for each section of the magazine and makes it easier for readers to navigate to the pages they want to go to.

The tie-in at the bottom of the page encourages readers to subscribe to the magazine by saying that each issue will only cost 20p. The magazine suggests that if you are addicted to music you have to get this offer. Most readers will enjoy music as they have bought a magazine on it.

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